MK14 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

MK14 7 is a postcode sector in Milton Keynes, UK. Below is a complete list of MK14 7 Postcodes (Active). MK14 7 postcode sector comprises of 131 active postcodes. MK14 7 sector has a population of 5719, and it has 2157 properties in the region.

Browse Information On MK14 7 postcode sector

MK14 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5719
Addresses / Property Count 2157
Active Postcodes 131
Nearby Postcode Districts 27
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of MK14 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 131 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
MK14 7AA 52.05036900 -0.76011400 14 39 485121 239834
MK14 7AB 52.05000800 -0.75997900 14 55 485131 239794
MK14 7AD 52.04971600 -0.75957800 9 20 485159 239762
MK14 7AE 52.05034800 -0.75814600 8 15 485256 239834
MK14 7AF 52.05098800 -0.75661200 41 114 485360 239907
MK14 7AG 52.05037100 -0.75603100 37 96 485401 239839
MK14 7AH 52.04948500 -0.75811200 36 82 485260 239738
MK14 7AJ 52.04767100 -0.76238500 21 48 484970 239531
MK14 7AN 52.05093100 -0.75884500 15 39 485207 239898
MK14 7AP 52.05159800 -0.75730900 41 123 485311 239974
MK14 7AQ 52.05090100 -0.75853900 51 157 485228 239895
MK14 7AR 52.05161500 -0.75615100 15 46 485390 239977
MK14 7AS 52.04882400 -0.75856800 14 39 485230 239664
MK14 7AT 52.04978200 -0.75651400 21 69 485369 239773
MK14 7AU 52.04878000 -0.75610400 14 34 485399 239662
MK14 7AW 52.04780400 -0.75818800 12 32 485258 239551
MK14 7AX 52.05041200 -0.75481900 22 74 485484 239845
MK14 7AY 52.04981200 -0.75333400 16 47 485587 239780
MK14 7BA 52.04787200 -0.75862300 16 33 485228 239558
MK14 7BB 52.04887500 -0.75740000 39 118 485310 239671
MK14 7BD 52.04980500 -0.75525900 40 112 485455 239777
MK14 7BE 52.05035800 -0.75401900 9 11 485539 239840
MK14 7BF 52.04794300 -0.75599600 N/A N/A 485408 239569
MK14 7BG 52.04998500 -0.75360600 11 20 485568 239799
MK14 7BH 52.04944100 -0.75484600 40 104 485484 239737
MK14 7BJ 52.04848500 -0.75709000 43 117 485332 239628
MK14 7BL 52.04766700 -0.76137000 18 41 485040 239532
MK14 7BN 52.04706600 -0.75982700 12 38 485147 239467
MK14 7BP 52.04590800 -0.76254200 7 23 484963 239335
MK14 7BS 52.04700800 -0.76289100 17 54 484937 239457
MK14 7BT 52.04688800 -0.76086700 22 63 485076 239446
MK14 7BU 52.04696100 -0.76182700 14 44 485010 239453
MK14 7BW 52.04730900 -0.75983500 15 38 485146 239494
MK14 7BY 52.05126800 -0.75928700 9 25 485176 239935
MK14 7BZ 52.05191800 -0.75779600 29 73 485277 240009
MK14 7DA 52.04824700 -0.76094600 14 42 485068 239597
MK14 7DB 52.04669900 -0.76340900 12 36 484902 239422
MK14 7DD 52.04717300 -0.76227400 31 75 484979 239476
MK14 7DE 52.04788500 -0.76073700 16 50 485083 239557
MK14 7DF 52.04767300 -0.76024700 17 49 485117 239534
MK14 7DG 52.04628600 -0.76347900 26 79 484898 239376
MK14 7DH 52.04823400 -0.75887600 10 20 485210 239598
MK14 7DJ 52.04857900 -0.75918700 13 43 485188 239636
MK14 7DL 52.04884500 -0.75971900 15 26 485151 239665
MK14 7DN 52.05020700 -0.76178100 22 47 485007 239814
MK14 7DP 52.05046900 -0.76278000 54 116 484938 239842
MK14 7DQ 52.04594000 -0.76306600 25 75 484927 239338
MK14 7DR 52.05260300 -0.75965900 44 151 485148 240083
MK14 7DS 52.05236500 -0.75846900 41 133 485230 240058
MK14 7DT 52.04967400 -0.76162100 32 76 485019 239755
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